In an Irish accent the word ‘film’ is pronounced ‘fillum.’ It was one of my favorite words to hear in Ireland. Anyways, a while ago I came across an album of photographs I took when my love of photography was just beginning. They were taken on my mom’s old film camera. Looking through them, I remember taking pictures simply because I enjoyed it. It was a peaceful and calming break from everyday life. So here are a few…

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Barb - I remember when you first took an interest in photography, Katie. You had – and still do, only better – a definite artistic eye!
Creative Balorina - these a beautiful :]So I recently watched a Christan movie called 'Flywheel' and one of the quotes was 'it's a peaceful chaos' (as in even though it's chaotic, we are at peace for knowing God's in control)So I wanted to randomly try if there's a website called 'a peaceful chaos' and this is how I found yours! I love the playlist you have in your latest post and your photography and etc (I'm looking through more of your posts now
]I just thought i'd share with you how i found your website :]<3 Lorina Daiana